Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We are waiting...

So I was able to get some good info while I was at the hospital tonight. Through some chromosome testing they confirmed that he has Leukemia for sure. His chemo is on hold for a couple of days while they try to get his levels up to a good starting point. Today he had more transfusions of everything. His levels were down too low so they had to add more back in. Typically there is some sign of where the blood is going, either out through some orifice like the nose or something. But Paul isn't experiencing that and he isn't bleeding internally which is good. They said his blood must be getting destroyed and breaking apart. So they will run more labs in the morning and hopefully resume chemo on Friday.

We also got more info on the bone marrow transplant when the time for that comes around. The actual transplant is quite similar to the transfusions he is getting now. Paul and I both had some misconceptions in our head about what actually happens. So that is a relief to know it wouldn't be another major thing to deal with.

And the last bit concerns his future after he is in remission. Leukemia is an aggressive cancer and will keep coming back - quite possibly even after a bone marrow transplant. So Paul will be on medication for the rest of his life to keep all of his platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells copacetic and living happily together in his body. Paul wasn't very thrilled about that - but I will take it as long as he is here with us.


The Stewart Stuff said...

Your last sentence says it all!!! Keeping him around and healthy is all that matters! I'm so glad you are getting such wonderful medical treatment for him. You have remained so strong and I am so proud of you!!!

Love ya, Jen

Jason and Jenn said...

Hi Amanda,

We are thinking about you guys everyday and praying for a speedy recovery. We hope you are staying strong and if you need ANYTHING please call us.
We will be in touch. Give Paul a big hug and kiss for us.

Love, Jason, Jenn, Matthew & Kaylee