Friday, June 13, 2008

uh oh...

Paul was just getting ready to get in the shower and came out to show me some small clumps of hair in his hands. There haven't been any signs of his hair falling out yet - but this may be it. The doctor said it mostly affects actively growing hair. We will see if more follows. Today Paul has more chemo scheduled and another round of platelets. He will also be taken to see how his pulmonary functions are doing and to a dental clinic for x rays. A busy day compared to his normal ones. Dr. Fogerty stopped by to see how everything was going. She is Paul's favorite doctor. I really like her as well. She is very sociable and takes the time to explain everything in non doctor language. She remarked that Paul is "sailing" through treatment and is doing better than expected. That is good news to hear.

Paul is done showering and we are off for our morning walk. Take care everyone and have a fantastic Father's Day weekend!


The Stewart Stuff said...

At least going bald is common for men. He should just shave it off and see a new Paul! :P

Happy Father's Day!!! I hope all three of you can enjoy the day together.

Love, Jen

Jodi @ Happy House Quilts said...

yikes...mine is too...falling out, i seems too soon...they said it would be after the second cycle...which isn't for another week...but by Wednesday my head will be shaved...sigh, wish someone could do it today...

Heather said...

Hey Amanda and Paul, I finally got back on line to read the blog for the last 2 weeks and get caught up. I have it bookmarked now and will try to check in on it every day.

Amanda- the party was great today. You did fabulous both hosting it and holding it all together with so many friends there. You are a strong woman and you are doing a great job helping Paul through this.

We'll see you both tomorrow!